What Should I Wear to the Office if I have to Pump?

Having to pump at work can be a tricky situation. Making sure you have the right clothing to make it easier is key. Having to pump can be uncomfortable and wearing certain clothes an be difficult. To make it easier, here are some of the best breast pumping clothing options for full-time work.

First, look for nursing tops that offer easy access to your nipples. Choose a top that can be easily pulled aside and one that won’t leave your stomach exposed. Look for tops with adjustable straps to give you more flexibility for different pumping positions or buttons for easy access.

Check out some options here

Second, wear supportive nursing bras. Easy access is essential for pumping, but you’ll also want to make sure you have plenty of support. Invest in a good quality, supportive nursing bras that won’t put extra pressure on your breasts. Also, wear a pumping bra. It can just be put over your current bra while you pump and it keeps your hands free.

A bra such as these:

Courtesy: Amazon.com

Finally, choose comfortable and non restrictive bottoms. Nursing tops and bras are important, but wearing comfortable bottoms is just as important. Choose bottoms that aren’t too restricting. Pants with a higher waist can be beneficial for days when you’re not feeling your best. Remember, this is not something you are doing forever, just for a short time while your baby is young.

Overall, breast pumping at work doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. With the right clothing options, you can pump with confidence and in comfort! Make sure you choose garments that will offer you easy access, plenty of support, and comfort.

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